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Select Board Minutes 04/21/2015
April 21, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lynn Arnold, Larry Mandell

Lynn Arnold called the meeting to order at 7 pm

Waive reading of the minutes. Voted to accept as written

Chris McCooe presented a flag to the Holland Community Center on behalf of the Holland Reservoir Association (HRA) as thank you for being so supportive of the HRA. Paula Bak accepted.

Old Business
Mr. Mandell discussed language to be placed on the ballot of June 8, 2015 for a non-binding referendum in accordance with G.L. c. 53, § 18A regarding common core. Mr. Mandell read the language then made a motion to submit the question to the Town Clerk for inclusion. 2nd Lynn Arnold.
So voted.

Ms. Arnold explained the current contract situation with Seaboard Solar (Seaboard). The current contract is for 20 years. Ms. Arnold explained how communication with Seaboard has been turned over to the attorneys for the Town and for Seaboard Solar. Ms. Arnold’s goal is to get the payments that were part of the contract with the town.
Mr. Mandell stated the subject was on the agenda because an article has come to light in which other towns have been involved in litigation with similar situations.  Mr. Mandell will look into the article and speak to the towns involved to determine if our contract situation with Seaboard is similar. This is to determine if there would be any value in pursuing a lawsuit on the Town’s behalf.

New Business
Ms. Arnold discussed that a company claiming to be a vendor or Verizon has reached out to the Town seeking to be the agent to go between Verizon and the Town in relation to the telephone services and costs. Ms. Arnold stated she would be verifying that the company “Carahsoft” is an authorized vendor and that she would explore if there was any cost to the Town for this service, prior to any discussion or action on that company’s request. Motion to table until such time Ms. Arnold, 2nd Mr. Mandell. Item tabled

Ms. Arnold announced and commended the Open Space plan that has been presented to the Select Board for endorsement.
Discussion on the quality and job well done.
Mr. Mandell motion to endorse, 2nd Ms. Arnold. So voted to endorse plan as presented.

Mr. Mandell stated that the Board would look into scanning the report to see if it could be made available on the town website.

Ms. Arnold stated that Mr. Howie Fife will need the following along with letters of endorsement from the other boards prior to filing the plan with the state:
1. The 504 Report ADA access
2. Affirmative Action Report
3. ~Equal Access to Facilities and Activities Grievance Policy

Kelli Robbins will look for the above three items to provide to Mr. Fife.

Ms. Arnold read Holland’s local by-law committee section from the Town By-Laws. The by-law states that the By-Law Committee shall consist of;
Town Clerk
Planning Board representative
Chairman appointed by the Select Board
The Planning Board chose Mr. Dennis Allard as their representative for said committee.
Mr. Mandell made a motion to appoint Kelli Robbins as Chair to the By-Law Committee, 2nd Ms. Arnold, so voted.
The Bylaw Committee to consist of Kelli A. Robbins, Sharon Ashleigh and Dennis Allard.

Ms. Arnold explained the need for a policy going forward in reference to public participation and conduct at further Select Board meetings. Appointments going forward will be limited to 10 minutes, which will be monitored, to ensure business can be finished in a timely manner for all involved.  It has been this Board’s policy to allow public access to the meeting after business has been completed. In order to keep that policy fluid and within the open meeting law posting requirements the following was announced. Public address to the Board will be limited to 5 minutes. No questions posed during this time will be answered or discussed in depth, but will be noted in order to address them at a future meeting after proper posting of the subject can be accomplished and research can be done.

Ms. Arnold explained the behavior expected and read the law regard said behavior.
Mr. Mandell made a motion to consolidate the two policies’ language to be voted on at the next Board meeting. 2nd Ms. Arnold. So voted.

Ms. Arnold made a motion to sign the driveway permit for David and Carol MacGillivray located on map 20/B/04.08. 2nd Mr. Mandell. So voted. So Signed.

Gary Naples of the Holland Aqua Riders (HAR) came to seek permission to exceed certain lake restrictions for HAR use. During the summer the group practices on the lake on Wednesday evenings, Friday evenings and Saturdays.
Discussion ensued regarding the safety practices of HAR and the availability of Mr. Naples should there be any issues with other lake users. Ms. Arnold asked that HAR please be sensitive to the needs of the other lake users during the evenings used during the week.

Ms. Arnold made a motion to allow Holland Aqua Riders to access the lake according their written request. 2nd Mr. Mandell. So voted

Mr. Naples invited the town residents and others to attend the HAR home show scheduled for Saturday August 15, 2015. It is open to the public.

  • The 1st Carl Bean Memorial baseball game between the Holland Police Department and the Holland Fire Department to benefit the Holland Recreation Scholarship Fund. June 27, 2015, at 2pm on the Holland field.
Police Department received a $30,000 security grant
  • Finance Board will be holding a public hearing after the Select Board Meeting on May 5th regarding the up-coming budget proposal. The public is encouraged to attend.
  • Mr. Mandell invited the residents to attend the Town Wide Town Forum including every public employee, elected or appointed, on May 2, 2015 from 9:30-11:00 am at the Holland Elementary School.  Mr. Mandell stated that postcard invitations will be mailed soon. The reason for the meeting is to get feedback from the residents.
  • There will be a joint meeting of the Select Board and the Board of Health Thursday night April 23, 2015 at 7:30 pm.
  • Mr. Mandell acknowledged work of JoAnne Higgins and Amy Bishop for getting an $84,000 grant to fix drainage on Over The Top Road. The highway also received grants for 3 eye wash stations, storage cabinet for welding gas tanks, ice guards for the roof of the garage and chainsaw equipment because of JoAnne Higgins.
Appointments to speak with Select Board
  • Chris McCooe – discussed the gift of money given to the town by Holland Lake Association. The remaining balance is $1,064.00. Ms. McCooe asked if that money could be put toward addressing the drainage and runoff issues on Sandy Beach Rd. at different intervals. Ms. McCooe provided colored photos of the areas she would like to see addressed. In depth discussion about the runoff ensued. Ms. Arnold stated she would turn the photos over to Brian Johnson.
  • Charlie Thompson – after a brief history about cable’s evolution within Holland, Mr. Thompson discussed a petition by local residents to regain channel WBZ out of Boston for local cable. The cable company unilaterally terminated access to the channel. Mr. Thompson presented the Board with a petition signed by 300 residents. Discussion between Board and audience regarding the overall dissatisfaction with the current cable company COX cable. Mr. Mandell asked for a copy of the petition. Mr. Mandell proposed the Select Board reach out to Senator Anne Gobi and State Representative Todd Smola for assistance.
Public Access
Christine McCooe asked if there would be a candidate’s night.
Cox communication complaint
Further announcement
OPACUM Land Trust will be hosting a Murder Mystery Dinner on Thursday April 23, 2015 at 7 pm. Performance to take place at 7 Cedar St., Sturbridge.

Motion to adjourn at 8:16 pm by Mr. Mandell, seconded Ms. Arnold.
All in favor.